Illuminating the brain to improve mental health
Research Summary
We directly image neural circuits with single cell resolution in models for neuropsychiatric illness and treatment. Our projects focus on two leading causes of disability and mortality worldwide – major depressive disorder and Alzheimer’s disease. We use models of each grounded in human genetic findings and treatments. We image the activity of key brain circuits during the behaviors that matter most to the disease. We map how the genetic insults that predispose to disease disrupt neural activity during behavior and lead to the symptoms of disease. These insights provide a foundation for new approaches to treatment that we test in preclinical models.
We have active projects on depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and the role of serotonin in releasing plasticity in disease relevant brain circuits.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more or finding out about opportunities in the lab.
Miller JE, Miller BR, O’Neil DA, Yuste R. (2022) An increase in spontaneous activity mediates visual habituation. Cell Reports. 39(4):110751.
Paquelet GE, Carrion K, Lacefield CO, Zhou P, Hen R, Miller BR. Single-cell activity and network properties of dorsal raphe nucleus serotonin neurons during emotionally salient behaviors. Neuron. 2022 Aug 17;110(16):2664-2679.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.05.015. Epub 2022 Jun 13. PMID: 35700737.
Miller BR. A Mechanistic Study of p11 Reveals a Promising New Rapid-Action Antidepressant Target. Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Sep 1;88(5):e23-e24. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.06.016. PMID: 32792054.
Carrillo-Reid L, Yang W, Miller JE, Peterka DS, Yuste R. (2017) Imaging and optically manipulating neuronal ensembles. Annu Rev Biophys. 46:271-293.
Yang W, Miller JE, Carrillo-Reid L, Pnevnatikskis E, Paninski L, Yuste R, Peterka D. (2016) Simultaneous multi-plane imaging of neural circuits. Neuron. 89(2):269-84.
Miller BR, Hen R. The current state of the neurogenic theory of depression and anxiety. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2015 Feb;30:51-8. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.08.012. Epub 2014 Sep 18. PMID: 25240202; PMCID: PMC4293252.
Miller JE, Ayzenshtat I, Carrillo-Reid L, Yuste R. (2014) Visual stimuli recruit intrinsically generated cortical ensembles. PNAS.111(38):E4053-61.
Shin JE, Miller BR, Babetto E, Cho Y, Sasaki Y, Qayum S, Russler EV, Cavalli V, Milbrandt J, DiAntonio A. SCG10 is a JNK target in the axonal degeneration pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec 26;109(52):E3696-705. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1216204109. Epub 2012 Nov 27. PMID: 23188802; PMCID: PMC3535671.
Miller BR, Press C, Daniels RW, Sasaki Y, Milbrandt J, DiAntonio A. A dual leucine kinase-dependent axon self-destruction program promotes Wallerian degeneration. Nat Neurosci. 2009 Apr;12(4):387-9. doi: 10.1038/nn.2290. Epub 2009 Mar 15.
Kang JE, Lim MM, Bateman RJ, Lee JJ, Smyth LP, Cirrito JR, Fujiki N, Nishino S, Holtzman DM. (2009) Amyloid-beta dynamics are regulated by orexin and the sleep-wake cycle. Science. 326(5955):1005-7.
Cirrito JR, Kang JE, Lee JY, Stewart FR, Bu G, Mennerick S, Holtzman DM. (2008) Endocytosis is required for synaptic activity-dependent release of amyloid-beta in vivo. Neuron. 58(1):42-51.
Kang JE, Cirrito JR, Dong H, Csernansky JG, Holtzman DM. (2007) Acute stress increases interstitial fluid amyloid-beta via corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) and neuronal activity. PNAS. 104(25):10673-8.
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Meet the Team
Dr. Seung Yeon Ko
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. Başak Akdoğan
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. Miru Yun
Post-doctoral Fellow
Fabliha Hussain
Research Technician/ Lab Manager
Darvin Huang
Research Technician/ Programmer
Eunice Choi
Allison Kleinstein
Ellie Bae
Linda Qin
William Yu
High School Student
Maggie Zhou
High School Student
Interested in imaging deep brain regions? Check out our new methods paper. We describe new approaches to correcting… https://t.co/wTfubTHxfY
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RT @dr_alexharris: Any [donkey] can kick down a barn… which applies equally well to THAT serotonin/depression review and my tweets abo… https://t.co/8a0Jf9PcKH
RT @holtzman4: ApoE isoform– and microbiota-dependent progression of neurodegeneration in a mouse model of tauopathy… https://t.co/iCwHxJxgFW
RT @BradleyRMiller: Interested in imaging deep brain regions? Check out our new methods paper. We describe new approaches to correcting… https://t.co/wTfubTHxfY
RT @lucasmpinto: Please RT. My graduate student Peter Salvino @petersalvino has been missing since last night. Last seen in Lincoln… https://t.co/HEcmcQwL93
Contact us if you are interested in joining the lab.